
Monday, June 21, 2010

Morning Headlines

After a weekend of solitude and quiet reflection, I woke this morning to discover a very interesting article in the news. It would appear the good detective is having a bit of trouble at home:

"Detective John Black returned home after his shift late last night to discover a disturbance in his own home. Upon entering his residence he found his wife, former print model Christian LeJeune, covered in blood. Rushing into the nursery, he made the grim discovery that their infant daughter had been brutally stabbed to death. Detective Black, 32, has been heading up the police task force investigating the Murphy Center explosion last month. There has been unsubstantiated speculation that the tragic attack was a result of the arrest of Zameer Hatem. Hatem, a U.S. born Muslim with ties to a violent Jihadist group, is the primary suspect in the bombing that claimed 77 lives and injured hundreds more. Anonymous sources have stated Detective Black is to be immediately removed from the task force and placed on leave pending investigation into this grisly crime."

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